When it comes time to write these things I'm always at a loss of what
to say. The whole week goes by and then when Monday comes I realize so
much has happened I don't know what to write about, but all in all
this has been a great, and insanely busy, week. In summary: we had
some awesome lessons with some awesome investigators and saw some
awesome results. I am one happy missionary.
One of these awesome lessons was with our investigator Mario. He is
going through some really hard stuff right now with his family and was
referred by a friend to check out the gospel. So we met him a couple
months ago, but he hasn't been able to meet until now. So we went over
and ended up teaching him and his 2 roommates! We brought one of my
favorite members, Rosie, with us, and it was one of the best lessons
I've ever had. He was asking all the right questions, and things just
seemed to click with him! Then a couple days later when we called to
follow up on him, he said he's been reading the Book of Mormon! As a
missionary there a few things that make us happier haha. The Libro de
Mormon really is the key to everything.
We also finally we able to get in touch with Maria again. She picked
up a second job for a while, and so quite literally had no time, but
she felt the impact that was taking on her family and decided to quit
the second one. We've been taking Brisa with us to go visit her, and
it's so cool to see just how deeply she wants to help Maria. She was
telling us yesterday that she remembers being in the exact same
position as her, a single mom renting out a room in a packed house and
struggling to make ends meet, and she just has the strongest desire to
do everything she can. That right there is the pure love of Christ!
Other miracle for the week is that Oneyda came to church! We had a dry
spell last week in the Barrio de Silver Spring. Between all 3 sets of
missionaries, none of us had people at church. It's always a little
difficult to have a great week of lessons and then not see the turn
out, literally, when Sunday comes around. So we worked our little pies
off to get people to church this Sunday, and we ended up having 4
people come to church from our area! I was so happy to see Oneyda
come! I've seen so much progress in her just in the past month. It's
crazy how you can see people's hearts softening little by little, and
her coming to church again is such a huge step for her.
I am so incredibly blessed as a missionary and just as a daughter of
God. I know He loves me, and each one of His children. This week I
have really been able to see how much of a difference members have in
missionary work. Our purpose to help others on their way in this life,
and so that's my challenge for all of you. Find some time this week,
or in the very near future, to go out with the missionaries. I promise
they need your help.
Yo sé que nuestro Señor, Jesucristo, vive. Sé que El nos ama y que El
sufrió para nosotros individualmente para que podamos tener esta vida
tan maravillosa. El evangelio de Jesucristo es perfecto y la iglesia
es la verdad! Les quiero mucho y espero que tengan una buena semana!
Hasta la próxima,
Hermana Johnson
Found this funny house with Winnie the Pooh statues everywhere. My
family knows I appreciated it.
Monday, April 25, 2016
Monday, April 18, 2016
I Had a Title for This and T hen I Forgot It
Hola gente!
Man this has been another crazy week. Hna Rivas and I have been able
to see so many miracles these past couple weeks, we're so incredibly
blessed. We have sooo much work in this area that I really am not sure
how we'll be able to fit it all in. Heavenly Father has blessed us
with a large handful of new investigators and then we have the usual
families that we work with on a regular basis. I never thought on my
mission I would have the problem of having too much to do! So we are
continually praying that we'll be able to have the wisdom to use our
time wisely and effectively. But all in all this week has been
awesome. Sister Rivas got her iPad so she is super happy haha. As far
as exciting things that have happened, we had an awesome lesson with
our investigator O. She is one tough cookie, but I've always
thought she was awesome. She has been having some serious doubts about
the church. I asked if she had been reading from the Book of Mormon or
praying and she admitted that no, she hadn't, but she wanted to start
trying again. It was cool because it started out as one of those
lessons that could go so horribly wrong, but by the time we left, the
whole situation just felt peaceful and happy. I'm glad that she is
wiling to take that step to really find out for herself if the church
is true. I love moments like that, when it all just kind of clicks to
people, that all they have to do is ask in faith, doing the little
things such as reading he scriptures and praying. I love that Heavenly
Father cares about us enough that He wants to make sure that each one
of us knows He is there and this is what is true. I feel so blessed to
be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and
have the fullness of the restored gospel.
Also fun fact of the week! All of the missionaries from the DC North
Mission got to be ushers or balloon carriers for the National Cherry
Blossom Parade so if you find that on YouTube I'm in a green shirt
right off of the camera helping people in their seats. It was actually
really fun! Well sorry this is a shorter email, we've been at the
National Zoo and then National Cathedral all day! I'll include some
pictures. But I love you all and wish you all the best! Les quiero y
que tengan una buena semana!
Hna. Johnson
We went to the zoo today!
We made arrepas with our recent converts and their niece!
The grounds of the National Cathedral
All of us at the Cherry Blossom Parade. I'm not looking...
Man this has been another crazy week. Hna Rivas and I have been able
to see so many miracles these past couple weeks, we're so incredibly
blessed. We have sooo much work in this area that I really am not sure
how we'll be able to fit it all in. Heavenly Father has blessed us
with a large handful of new investigators and then we have the usual
families that we work with on a regular basis. I never thought on my
mission I would have the problem of having too much to do! So we are
continually praying that we'll be able to have the wisdom to use our
time wisely and effectively. But all in all this week has been
awesome. Sister Rivas got her iPad so she is super happy haha. As far
as exciting things that have happened, we had an awesome lesson with
our investigator O. She is one tough cookie, but I've always
thought she was awesome. She has been having some serious doubts about
the church. I asked if she had been reading from the Book of Mormon or
praying and she admitted that no, she hadn't, but she wanted to start
trying again. It was cool because it started out as one of those
lessons that could go so horribly wrong, but by the time we left, the
whole situation just felt peaceful and happy. I'm glad that she is
wiling to take that step to really find out for herself if the church
is true. I love moments like that, when it all just kind of clicks to
people, that all they have to do is ask in faith, doing the little
things such as reading he scriptures and praying. I love that Heavenly
Father cares about us enough that He wants to make sure that each one
of us knows He is there and this is what is true. I feel so blessed to
be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and
have the fullness of the restored gospel.
Also fun fact of the week! All of the missionaries from the DC North
Mission got to be ushers or balloon carriers for the National Cherry
Blossom Parade so if you find that on YouTube I'm in a green shirt
right off of the camera helping people in their seats. It was actually
really fun! Well sorry this is a shorter email, we've been at the
National Zoo and then National Cathedral all day! I'll include some
pictures. But I love you all and wish you all the best! Les quiero y
que tengan una buena semana!
Hna. Johnson
We went to the zoo today!
We made arrepas with our recent converts and their niece!
The grounds of the National Cathedral
All of us at the Cherry Blossom Parade. I'm not looking...
Thursday, April 7, 2016
These Weeks Keep Getting Faster
Buen día! I have a feeling this email is going to be all over the
place because I frankly just don't know what to say jaja. I guess
we're slowing coming down from the Conferencia General high, but
honestly this week was so great that it hardly even seems like it.
It's been a crazy busy week. Like one of those weeks where you really
don't know how you'll fit everything in, and just do your best going
from place to place. One of the coolest blessings this week is that we
got to be the answers to a lot of people's prayers. It seemed like
almost every lesson or message we shared was followed by a, "this was
exactly what I needed." It was so cool. We got 3 new, really solid
people to teach this week, and we decided to really spend our first
lesson getting to know them before we started testifying of the
restoration. It's one of the things that Preach my Gospel teaches us
to do, but I really haven't used until now, and we saw so many
blessings because of it. Each of these people are going through such
difficult things in their lives right now, but it's amazing to see how
the gospel, not only relates, but provides peace, comfort and refuge
from the troubles of the world. The gospel of Jesus Christ truly is an
individual process.
One example is from Mario. We had been trying to get an appointment
with him for a little while, but they always fell through for some
reason or another, but finally got one, and so we stopped by only to
realize there was no third female inside, so we talked with him in the
doorway. He is currently going through a very messy divorce with the
woman we was married to for 10 years and expressed to us multiple
times just how much he needs the Book of Mormon. It was really
humbling to be able to testify of the peace the Book of Mormon will
bring to someone who so desperately needs it.
So funny story for the week. Sis Castaneyra came back to visit this
week so I got to see her a couple times and she was even our member
present in a lesson! Weird seeing her in pants but when we were at
Hna. Alvarez's (Judy's mom) birthday and I took one for the team and
finished Casty's sandwich for her cause she was too full. Some things
never change haha. Well I hope you all have a wonderful week and take
a moment to count your blessings, because we really have so many. I
love you all! Sigan adelante!
Hna. Yonson
Oh J (Judy's son) got baptized yesterday! I'm so proud of him!
place because I frankly just don't know what to say jaja. I guess
we're slowing coming down from the Conferencia General high, but
honestly this week was so great that it hardly even seems like it.
It's been a crazy busy week. Like one of those weeks where you really
don't know how you'll fit everything in, and just do your best going
from place to place. One of the coolest blessings this week is that we
got to be the answers to a lot of people's prayers. It seemed like
almost every lesson or message we shared was followed by a, "this was
exactly what I needed." It was so cool. We got 3 new, really solid
people to teach this week, and we decided to really spend our first
lesson getting to know them before we started testifying of the
restoration. It's one of the things that Preach my Gospel teaches us
to do, but I really haven't used until now, and we saw so many
blessings because of it. Each of these people are going through such
difficult things in their lives right now, but it's amazing to see how
the gospel, not only relates, but provides peace, comfort and refuge
from the troubles of the world. The gospel of Jesus Christ truly is an
individual process.
One example is from Mario. We had been trying to get an appointment
with him for a little while, but they always fell through for some
reason or another, but finally got one, and so we stopped by only to
realize there was no third female inside, so we talked with him in the
doorway. He is currently going through a very messy divorce with the
woman we was married to for 10 years and expressed to us multiple
times just how much he needs the Book of Mormon. It was really
humbling to be able to testify of the peace the Book of Mormon will
bring to someone who so desperately needs it.
So funny story for the week. Sis Castaneyra came back to visit this
week so I got to see her a couple times and she was even our member
present in a lesson! Weird seeing her in pants but when we were at
Hna. Alvarez's (Judy's mom) birthday and I took one for the team and
finished Casty's sandwich for her cause she was too full. Some things
never change haha. Well I hope you all have a wonderful week and take
a moment to count your blessings, because we really have so many. I
love you all! Sigan adelante!
Hna. Yonson
Oh J (Judy's son) got baptized yesterday! I'm so proud of him!
Monday, April 4, 2016
Personal Conference Weekend
Man this week has been so crazy but also so full of blessings! Since
it was Sister Rivas first full week we had a ton of meetings and stuff
like that to take care of, and then of course General
Conference this weekend! So it felt like our time in our area was
very shortened. We knew ahead of time it would be a bit of a more
difficult week as far as lessons go, so we tried to get as many as we
could on the days that were more open and we definitely saw the
blessings of it. Wednesday was one of those days that we knew we were
going to be a little short on time, but we had a goal to try and teach
3 lessons if we could that day to help us reach our weekly goal of 20
lessons which has been a big push in the mission this transfer. So we
had an hour and a half to visit these two people, but decided to talk
to every person we saw on our way and Heavenly Father really helped us
out. Neither of the people were home, but we taught 2 awesome street
lessons to some people who seemed genuinely interested! Then we were
walking back to the car and I saw this one apartment and just felt
like we really needed to go knock on their door. We did and they let
us right in! They'd met with missionaries in the past but it had been
years since they'd seen a missionary. They weren't super interested in
learning more now, but I've learned that Heavenly Father is always
preparing His children to hear the gospel, and our visit was probably
just a friendly reminder to help out the missionaries who knock on
their door a few years down the road.
I have to say though, that General Conference was easily the highlight
of my week. For those who aren't familiar with conference, every six
months, the prophet of the Church and his apostles and other church
leaders address the entire church in a conference that is broadcast
throughout the world. It is one of the greatest times of the year in
my opinion. So this year to try and get a little more our to it, I
came up with 5 questions that I really wanted to focus on, and it
seemed that every session of conference answered each question
perfectly and individually! It's amazing how the Spirit both inspires
the speaker and the listener that even though it was a conference to
the entire world, I can receive answers to my personal question. Hence
the title of the email, it's not a very "general" conference at all!
The Spirit inspires our minds to allow us to have a personal and
individual experience with the words of the prophets. Siento muy
agradecida por ser miembro de esta iglesia. Yo sé sin ninguna duda que
está es la única iglesia verdadera en el mundo hoy. Jesucristo es el
Salvador del mundo y de ti. Nuestro Padre Celestial nos ama tanto que
el mando a Su Hijo para efectuar la expiación para nosotros para que
podamos vivir con Ellos y nuestras familias para siempre y llegar a
ser más como El cada día. Venimos de una familia celestial! Les invito
que puedan fortalecer sus propios testimonios por medio de orar y
preguntar otra vez que esa es la verdad. Yo sé que él siempre nos
contesta. En el nombre de Jesucristo. Amen.
Les quiero mucho! Y que tengan una buena semana mis amigos!
Hermana Yonson
My comp made me arrepas one night. They're like Venezuelan sandwiches
and delicious!
it was Sister Rivas first full week we had a ton of meetings and stuff
like that to take care of, and then of course General
Conference this weekend! So it felt like our time in our area was
very shortened. We knew ahead of time it would be a bit of a more
difficult week as far as lessons go, so we tried to get as many as we
could on the days that were more open and we definitely saw the
blessings of it. Wednesday was one of those days that we knew we were
going to be a little short on time, but we had a goal to try and teach
3 lessons if we could that day to help us reach our weekly goal of 20
lessons which has been a big push in the mission this transfer. So we
had an hour and a half to visit these two people, but decided to talk
to every person we saw on our way and Heavenly Father really helped us
out. Neither of the people were home, but we taught 2 awesome street
lessons to some people who seemed genuinely interested! Then we were
walking back to the car and I saw this one apartment and just felt
like we really needed to go knock on their door. We did and they let
us right in! They'd met with missionaries in the past but it had been
years since they'd seen a missionary. They weren't super interested in
learning more now, but I've learned that Heavenly Father is always
preparing His children to hear the gospel, and our visit was probably
just a friendly reminder to help out the missionaries who knock on
their door a few years down the road.
I have to say though, that General Conference was easily the highlight
of my week. For those who aren't familiar with conference, every six
months, the prophet of the Church and his apostles and other church
leaders address the entire church in a conference that is broadcast
throughout the world. It is one of the greatest times of the year in
my opinion. So this year to try and get a little more our to it, I
came up with 5 questions that I really wanted to focus on, and it
seemed that every session of conference answered each question
perfectly and individually! It's amazing how the Spirit both inspires
the speaker and the listener that even though it was a conference to
the entire world, I can receive answers to my personal question. Hence
the title of the email, it's not a very "general" conference at all!
The Spirit inspires our minds to allow us to have a personal and
individual experience with the words of the prophets. Siento muy
agradecida por ser miembro de esta iglesia. Yo sé sin ninguna duda que
está es la única iglesia verdadera en el mundo hoy. Jesucristo es el
Salvador del mundo y de ti. Nuestro Padre Celestial nos ama tanto que
el mando a Su Hijo para efectuar la expiación para nosotros para que
podamos vivir con Ellos y nuestras familias para siempre y llegar a
ser más como El cada día. Venimos de una familia celestial! Les invito
que puedan fortalecer sus propios testimonios por medio de orar y
preguntar otra vez que esa es la verdad. Yo sé que él siempre nos
contesta. En el nombre de Jesucristo. Amen.
Les quiero mucho! Y que tengan una buena semana mis amigos!
Hermana Yonson
My comp made me arrepas one night. They're like Venezuelan sandwiches
and delicious!
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