Thursday, August 20, 2015

First Letter and a Surprise Photo

(Sent by Sister Bree at 11:51am)

I Survived!

So, we only have about 10 minutes to quickly write to our families, but so far the MTC has been great! Only 3 people in my district are going to the same mission, the rest of us are going all over, but mostly stateside. My companion is Hermana Shaw and she is also great. She's from Seattle and is going to South Carolina so she keeps asking me about the East Coast since the furthest east she'd ever been is Chicago. She underestimates the power of humidity haha. Spanish has been going good so far. It's surprising to me how much I remember.  Our room is surrounded by Russian speaking sisters so that's been lots of fun! They always seem very surprised when an Hermana walks up and greets them in Russian. I've run into a handful of friends so far from BYU and it has been such a blessing to see familiar faces. It started when I ran into Sister Pinnock only 5 minutes after I got into the MTC (she's been in my ward all three semesters). The other two hermanas in my district are Hermana Schaat and Hermana Kinikini. Hermana Schaat is going to Las Vegas (Kaila's mission) and Hermana Kinikini is here waiting for her visa before she goes to Guadalajara Mexico. We don't really know each other super well yet, but they seem pretty great to me. Can I just say that missionary work is humbling! It seems like every time you feel confident you're shot down, but the spirit is strong and the whole point of being here is to learn so I'm not too worried. The church is true, and I'll talk to you on Wednesday! Love you!

Hermana Johnson
(And back to me.....)
From this we glean three important pieces of information. One, I should have named this blog Hermana Bree in DC - didn't think that one through very well.  Two, her preparation day must be on Wednesday, so that's the day to look for letters!  Three, she is happy and learning and her first day has gone well.  Smiles all around!

A little later today I received this fun photo series:

Sister Bree, henceforth renamed Hermana Bree,  has a brother going to BYU who happens to work at the MTC and was there for his shift when she came in to eat. Of course, all greetings with opposite gendered persons have to be at arm's length, although I don't think her brother would have counted.  They will get to see each other quite a few times during her MTC stay.  Please make her dinner extra delicious, Talon! 
Happy Day 1 Hermana Bree.

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