Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Airport Phone Calls

* Posted by Bree's mom

At precisely 8:45am the phone rang!  I had been carrying my cell around all morning to guarantee I wouldn't miss her.  I know she had hoped to call a little earlier and talk to her siblings, but it didn't quite work out for her since the last of the buses had taken them off to school only 15 minutes earlier.  The good news was, although her dad was already at work, he didn't have a client meeting until 9am.  I talked to her briefly, then told her to call her dad so she wouldn't miss him and  I would wait for her to call back since I had no schedule restrictions.  I waited anxiously for an hour with no word.  Finally, at 9:48am the phone rang again.  She had run into a little difficulty making her calls.  The phone card she was given had enough minutes on it, but was only good for one use.  She didn't realize this until she had hung up with me and tried to call her dad.  The phone card was now useless. A kind person in the airport let her borrow a phone to quickly call her father before his 9am meeting.  It took her a little while longer to find someone else who was willing to lend a phone to a missionary so she could call me back.  I don't know their names, but thank you to the family from Hawaii who shared a phone with my missionary in the UT airport!!  We only had a short time to visit, but she was so excited to begin working with the people in DC.  She was a little nervous about being able to develop her Spanish well since she would be living in the US, but was happy and optimistic and her voice made me smile all day long!!

I tracked her flight all the way to DC and "watched" her land in her new home for the next 16 months. I am excited to see when the mission president posts pictures to the mission blog of her first day and I can't wait for her first letter from her first area!!

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