So it's been a transfer (6weeks) which is crazy to think. I've already
been out for about 3 months, which seems so short compared to 18 but
considering how fast it went by I'm amazed. So me and Hermana Acosta
are staying together and we're staying in this area which I am really
excited about. I love this ward and the people that we are working
with, and the idea of moving areas is just really depressing and it's
only been one transfer! I can't imagine how some of the other
missionaries feel that get moved after 6 months or so. But we will find
out on Wednesday whether or not we will for sure be in the Visitors
Center, but since it's Christmas time, we are about 97% sure we will
be. It's crazy how quickly Christmas is coming up and it definitely
doesn't feel like it here in this very odd 70 degree weather. But
anyways, we've taught the restoration a lot this week which has been
great because I've been working on and praying to improve my teaching
skills this coming transfer. But there's been one thing that has
really stood out to me as we've been teaching these lessons. It
doesn't matter how much they feel the Spirit in the lessons, or how
much sense it makes in their head. If they don't take the time to
really read the Book of Mormon and pray about its truthfulness for
themselves, they'll never become converted to the gospel. The same
goes for members of the church. The only way that we will really stay
on track is by doing those little things. I've realized so much since
being on a mission where I invite people to do that every single day,
how much more it would have helped me back through those more
difficult times before being a missionary. So here is my challenge, if
you aren't already, begin reading the Book of Mormon every single
night and praying sincerely morning and night. They are such simple
things that make the world of a difference.
So...story time! I'll share a spiritual experience from earlier this
week. We have an investigator named Clara who we've been teaching
since my second day out here. She is preparing to be baptized at the
end of this month and she is just amazing. So we were talking with her
about the word of wisdom (no alcohol, drugs, coffee or tea), but we had
the feeling to ask her about her testimony of Jose Smith and the Libro
de Mormon. So we asked her what she could remember about Joseph Smith,
and she admitted that she couldn't remember much. Then she looked us
in the eyes and said, but I know he was a prophet. Man we got up and
hugged her right there. It was a prayer answered. We don't need to
have a perfect knowledge of all things as Alma says. We just need that
little seed of faith that grows and grows.
Thank you for all of the letters and all of support. I love you all
and I hope you find the hand of our Heavenly Father in your life this
week. It's always there! Les quiero!
Hermana Bree
A delicious ice cream cookie we ate!
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