Buenos días familia!
This has been a really good week and I can't believe it went by so
fast! It seems like I was just writing people yesterday. But this week
we've seen a lot of progression in the people we are working with, and
we found 4 new people who would like to learn more and who we have
starting teaching! I absolutely love each one of them, and I am so
excited for their future progress in the gospel, and pray that they
will have to hearts open to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I guess one cool example from this week is we were visiting a family,
and the padre almost never comes to church, but we were teaching the
Restoration to them (the story about the Church of Jesus Christ was
restored). And the Hermana's brother in law was there, and after we
had taught the whole lesson, I felt like I should ask him if he would
like a Book of Mormon and he said yes! He even came out to the car
with us to grab one! I hope he really takes the chance to read it and
pray about it.
Something cool I learned this week was from last night. Every month we
have an event called Why I Believe at the Visitor's Center where
recent converts and a special guest are all invited to share why they
believe. This month it was a man named Terryl Givens who is the author
of a couple different religious books. But he said something that
really struck me. He was talking about the story of Jonah and the
whale, and he said that this story invited us each to ask ourselves
the question, "How do we respond when others are seemingly blessed or
appreciated more than we think they deserve?" I really thought about
this and realized how often I fail to feel joy when Heavenly Father is
merciful towards others. We need to recognize that in His eyes, we are
all on the same playing field, no one of us better than the other.
Much easier said than done right? But hey, there is hope through the
Atonement of Jesus Christ!
I know that this is the only true church on the face of the earth and
that Jesus Christ is at the head of this church. I pray that you all
have a wonderful week filled with testimony building experiences! I
know I will :) until next week!
Hermana Johnson
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