Monday, March 14, 2016

Call Me the Ward Translator

This has been an awesome and also really comical week. I'll start off with the funnier

So on Wednesday we got a call from the office saying they were going
to take our car in and to drive down to pick up our new car. We now
have a beautiful Ford Fusion and everyone is really jealous. It was
the old assistants' car so we are completely hyped. We drove our
beautiful car all day and didn't get back until later so the next
morning we go out with our roommates to go get our parking passes and
show off our beautiful new vehicle that is no longer in the spot it
was parked in. Yes, we got towed.... So about an hour and $175 later
we got our car back and went to meetings! It's funny now in hindsight

In other big news, Christian got baptized!! He called us on Wednesday
night and was really concerned and down on himself and not too sure
about his baptism, so we went over on Thursday praying and a little
worried about what was going to happen. We start talking to him and he
expressed how he just doesn't feel worthy or ready. So we decided to
go through the baptism interview questions with him again. He answered
perfectly to every single question! Better than I even expected!! By
the time we left he was excited and felt so much better on his
baptism! It's amazing what an hour of the spirit can do! The baptism
went great and I am so happy and excited for him! It's been a bit of a
challenge for him, but he worked through it with the Lord and made
that first step of baptism! Also cool, Balmore was confirmed yesterday
and recieved the gift of the Holy Ghost! He was emotional during the ordinance
and it was just super cool to see how deeply he understood and
appreciated the step he was taking.

Oh I also translated in Sacrament for a little girl that got brought
to church by her friend. She told me I should try out for American
idol after.

I love being a missionary and am so incredibly blessed every single
day to have the experiences I do. Jesucristo lives and this gospel is
true. Take a moment this week to recognize all the incredible
blessings that come from living such a wonderful gospel. Les quiero
mucho! Gracias por su ayuda y oraciones! Tengan una buena semana y
sigan adelante!

Hermana Johnson

Christian's Baptism

He's a buff guy so we all flexed.  Haha!

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