Monday, March 28, 2016

I Never Know What to Title These Things......


Happy Monday gente!!

Wow this week has definitely felt a little longer. Last Monday feels
like so long ago! I don't have a ton of time, so I'll cover just the
major things that have happened this week.

In general I feel like I got super nostalgic this week because my
comp, who I love and miss dearly (yeah check out that shout out
Casty), went home this Wednesday. Still in denial. But that means we
spent Tuesday visiting all of the greatest members in the universe. It
was amazing to see what an impact she had had on each of these people's
lives. It just goes to show what an obedient, and Christ-like
missionary can do for the work of the Lord. She has been an incredible
example to me and I have learned so much. I honestly still can't
believe that the last transfer went by so fast. Definitely one for the

 So Wednesday I went to drop her off at the DC Stake Center and
a few minutes later got to pick up my new greenie! She is awesome and
really going to be such a great missionary. I feel so incredibly
blessed by my Heavenly Father. He must love me like crazy to send me
such an awesome trainee. It definitely has been a bit of a transition
going from having a companion who is going home to one who just came
from home, and let's just say the learning curve is fast. I feel like
I've learned just as much from her these past few days as she says she
has from me! I have definitely seen how when we give the Lord all we
have, He makes up for the rest. We are by no means perfect teachers,
and definitely not perfect at speaking the language, but if we do all
we know how to, He will help the Spirit carry the message and the
truthfulness into their hearts.

 One cool experience from this week
happened yesterday. Easter really wasn't anything too special here,
just a pretty nice Sunday, but last night we were driving to visit
Balmore and Christian, and we were about 15 minutes, and I felt
strongly that we should go stop by this potentials house around the
corner. We had taught her the first lesson last transfer, but had the
wrong phone number and so we haven't seen her since then, but we went
by and sure enough, she was there! She thanked us like 10 times for
coming and even asked us if we could end with a prayer before we left!
Of course Maria! I love this work and am so excited for all the things
I will learn this new transfer. I know my Savior lives and love having
the chance to testify of Him every single day. He lives!

Hna. Johnson

Dropping Hna. Castaneyra off

 New greenie!  Hermana Rivas

 Cherry Blossom Festival

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